First of all, I did not correct anyone's grammar, that was someone else.
Second, I was merely pointing out that WTS reasoning on the Bible is usually so far off base that you can only confuse someone who is lacking in any scriptural knowledge. Evangelicals that have studied the various doctrines that are Biblical can show their veracity in the Bible.
Third, God has many houses that imperfect humans can use for worship. Differences in the true body of Christ are NOT in the areas of salvation, the nature of God nor of the two possible destinations of the immortal soul.
Fourth, there is no, 'one, true church' of any human organization and the warnings in various N.T. books against teachings clearly apply to specific heresies that were present at that time. Jesus' parable of the wheat and the tares shows this in an obvious way.
Fifth, people who have not taken the time to investigate the alternatives to the WTS are only denying Christ. If your last day occurs tomorrow, where will you be, saved for an eternity or lost for an eternity?
Sixth, your 'killing the messenger' while ignoring the implication of said message.
Did you know that God's grace is free and cannot be earned?
All that is required is for you to believe in the sacrifice of our Lord at the cross, ask forgiveness and repent of your past life of sin! Pick up your cross and follow Christ.
God loves you. John 2.16,
You are a sinner. Romans 3.23,
You are now dead in sin. Romans 6.23,
Christ died for you. Romans 5.6-8,
You can be saved by faith alone. Acts 16.30-31,
You can know you are saved. 1 John 5.10-13,
You can be obedient Acts 5.29
Read these with an open mind and open heart that God may bring salvation to your soul! It's time to shed your former beliefs and ask the Lord to whow you the way.